Thursday, January 15, 2009

Group homes

My son Adam who has Bipolar disorder has as you know moved in to a group home. I think it has been good for him. I think he will he has help with his needs. the workers are helping him with his medication and with his other needs. I do how ever wish that the county would give him his medicaid card. they tell him that is will take 6 months to get it .My question is why? I think someone with Adams problems need one as much as children do. where would he get a job with medical benefits.And we couldn't carry Him on ares the law says not past 21. so even if he lived with us it would not do any good. I hope he can get a some help with this he has medical bills that he can pay. If you have some experiences with group home I would like to here about it?


  1. When I was in college, I worked at a Group Home for the mentally ill for 2 years as a task facilitator. (This was about 20 years ago - so I'm sure things have changed.Hopefully for the best.) This was a home for high functioning adults who were paranoid schizophrenics, Bipolar, etc. I thought it was well run, they had organized schedules for them (there were always goals - exercise, going out for recreation, chores). They had rewards to encourage positive behavior. The best moment of my life was when one of the adults was able to move into their own apartment since she accomplished so much and was able to take her meds and funtion out in the world. I know this isn't reality for most of them - but it was nice to have this glimmer of hope.

  2. Hello. I am looking for a bipolar group home for myself. Would you mind telling me some things about the home? Like, where it is, how do I contact them, where they are located, etc. Also, do you have other bipolar group home contact information? I'm having a hard time finding them. Please contact me at Thank you for your time.

  3. Hello, my name is megan. I am new to all of this but I am hoping someone can give me some answers and suggestions on what to do. So I have a 17 year old step-daughter who was diagnosed with being bipolar and ODD at the age of 7. She has been hospitalized several times but has been doing great....until now. Her dad and I have recently discovered she has been engaging in very destructive behavior sexually and physically. We are scared and do not know what to do. She has been in counseling and we thought it was working. She takes her meds like she is supposed to. We have 5 other younger children living in the home and we don't want that kind of behavior around them. I have read that dangerous sexual behavior and thrill seeking behavior are parts of this disorder. We just want some advise on what to do from here. So please if anyone can help us out that would be great. You can email me at
