Monday, June 15, 2009

About me

Well I am not happy about anything that has happened. Adam is having a hard time bipolar makes it so hard. Some one said on my last post not to tell them. But that is hard to do. Because it is not something that you can hide for long. It is something that people notice. He has a chance to get a good job and I hope he gets it.My nerves are shot and I am having panic attacks and I am not sure how much more I can take. Everyone please pray for us. Cliff car broke Friday at work and now I have no way to get anywhere. So every one pray for us.


  1. bless your heart. i am praying for you and your beautiful family, thanks for sharing this.

  2. آموزش بورس در شیراز
    آموزش صفر تا صد بورس
    آموزشگاه بورس در شیراز
    آموزش حضوری بورس در شیراز
    آموزش حضوری بورس
